Friday, March 6, 2020

Perseverance Helps This Young Tennis Player Win On And Off The Court

Perseverance Helps This Young Tennis Player Win On And Off The Court Perseverance Helps This Young Tennis Player Win On And Off The Court Hazel, 14-years-old, Math Level M, Reading Program Completer Venus and Serena Williams, Andy Roddick, Arthur Ashe, Billie Jean King, and John McEnroe all share a common bond that’s much more than the love of tennis. These tennis legends display a high-level of mental focus and intensity in their matches. Whether they are walking onto the court for a championship match at Wimbledon, or at the local court practicing â€" they bring that same level of focus and determination. Mental toughness and athletic ability aside, another common denominator of all great athletes is goal setting. Roger Federer once said, “You have to believe in the long-term plan you have, but you need the short-term goals to motivate and inspire you.” For 14-year-old Hazel, she learned early on that setting goals for herself in all aspects of life, helps her remain motivated even through challenging times. Hazel has been playing tennis at a competitive level for over four years, and credits Kumon for her unwavering perseverance in the game. “Kumon has taught me to persevere even when things become challenging,” said Hazel. “This really applies to me in tennis and not giving up during a difficult match, even if I am losing. Kumon has taught me to maintain a high-level of focus, which keeps my head in the game.” Hazel’s journey in Kumon began nine years ago when she was just 5-years-old. While she has had challenging moments along the way, she found them to be learning opportunities to grow as a student. Keeping her long-term goals in mind, she forged a path of success for herself â€" placing her far above her peers. Before entering high school, Hazel completed the Kumon Reading Program. She is also determined to complete the Kumon Math Program, currently working on loci, quadratic inequalities, and limits of trigonometric functions. Hazel has displayed a unique level of focus, which has been a leading factor in reaching her goals both in Kumon and tennis. Persevering through the toughest matches has lead her to walking away as a champion. In 2017, she was the 1st place champion in two singles tournaments and 2nd place in doubles. Off the tennis court, Hazel is an accomplished pianist. She has been disciplined in her practice currently studying under the grade 8 piano curriculum through the Royal Conservatory of Music. The Royal Conservatory of Music sets a national standard for young musicians, putting them on the path for musical excellence. The curriculums for each level include a range of advancing repertoire, techniques, musicianship, and music literacy â€" elements considered to lay down a successful foundation in musicians. Hazel’s abilities as a pianist were recognized as she was selected as a nominee for the Mary Gardiner Jr. Award for piano at the Contemporary Showcase. Hazel’s future aspirations include being a scientist in a research laboratory, as well as a snowboard instructor on the side. In her spare time, Hazel enjoys hitting the slopes and reading mystery and science fiction novels. Hazel’s hard work and discipline didn’t go unnoticed, as she was one of 55 students selected to attend the 2018 Kumon Student Conference in Calgary, Canada. We had the opportunity to speak to Hazel about her Kumon journey. How has Kumon helped you inside of the classroom? Kumon has helped me master various math concepts well-before they are covered in school. This allows me to focus on other subjects. What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon? The most beneficial thing I’ve learned in Kumon has been improving my time management and becoming more organized. Between daily Kumon Worksheets, piano, tennis and school â€" I now know how to effectively balance my time. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? Kumon requires my full attention and focus, allowing me to get my mind off things. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Challenging â€" at times the worksheets were challenging and required a lot of focus to complete them. I worked through all the challenges and now I truly see the long-term benefits of Kumon. What did it mean to you attending the Student Conference? Attending the Student Conference gave me the opportunity the meet other Kumon Students whom I share a lot in common with. What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? My advice for other Kumon Students is to never give up. Even if you’re working on challenging levels, one day you will look back and thank your parents for enrolling you in Kumon! Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Practice is the Key to this Young Cello Players Success This Young Hockey Player is Making Strides On and Off The Ice Perseverance Helps This 9-Year-Old Figure Skater Make the Impossible Possible Kumon Program Completer Conquers Tennis on the National Stage Perseverance Helps This Young Tennis Player Win On And Off The Court Perseverance Helps This Young Tennis Player Win On And Off The Court Hazel, 14-years-old, Math Level M, Reading Program Completer Venus and Serena Williams, Andy Roddick, Arthur Ashe, Billie Jean King, and John McEnroe all share a common bond that’s much more than the love of tennis. These tennis legends display a high-level of mental focus and intensity in their matches. Whether they are walking onto the court for a championship match at Wimbledon, or at the local court practicing â€" they bring that same level of focus and determination. Mental toughness and athletic ability aside, another common denominator of all great athletes is goal setting. Roger Federer once said, “You have to believe in the long-term plan you have, but you need the short-term goals to motivate and inspire you.” For 14-year-old Hazel, she learned early on that setting goals for herself in all aspects of life, helps her remain motivated even through challenging times. Hazel has been playing tennis at a competitive level for over four years, and credits Kumon for her unwavering perseverance in the game. “Kumon has taught me to persevere even when things become challenging,” said Hazel. “This really applies to me in tennis and not giving up during a difficult match, even if I am losing. Kumon has taught me to maintain a high-level of focus, which keeps my head in the game.” Hazel’s journey in Kumon began nine years ago when she was just 5-years-old. While she has had challenging moments along the way, she found them to be learning opportunities to grow as a student. Keeping her long-term goals in mind, she forged a path of success for herself â€" placing her far above her peers. Before entering high school, Hazel completed the Kumon Reading Program. She is also determined to complete the Kumon Math Program, currently working on loci, quadratic inequalities, and limits of trigonometric functions. Hazel has displayed a unique level of focus, which has been a leading factor in reaching her goals both in Kumon and tennis. Persevering through the toughest matches has lead her to walking away as a champion. In 2017, she was the 1st place champion in two singles tournaments and 2nd place in doubles. Off the tennis court, Hazel is an accomplished pianist. She has been disciplined in her practice currently studying under the grade 8 piano curriculum through the Royal Conservatory of Music. The Royal Conservatory of Music sets a national standard for young musicians, putting them on the path for musical excellence. The curriculums for each level include a range of advancing repertoire, techniques, musicianship, and music literacy â€" elements considered to lay down a successful foundation in musicians. Hazel’s abilities as a pianist were recognized as she was selected as a nominee for the Mary Gardiner Jr. Award for piano at the Contemporary Showcase. Hazel’s future aspirations include being a scientist in a research laboratory, as well as a snowboard instructor on the side. In her spare time, Hazel enjoys hitting the slopes and reading mystery and science fiction novels. Hazel’s hard work and discipline didn’t go unnoticed, as she was one of 55 students selected to attend the 2018 Kumon Student Conference in Calgary, Canada. We had the opportunity to speak to Hazel about her Kumon journey. How has Kumon helped you inside of the classroom? Kumon has helped me master various math concepts well-before they are covered in school. This allows me to focus on other subjects. What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon? The most beneficial thing I’ve learned in Kumon has been improving my time management and becoming more organized. Between daily Kumon Worksheets, piano, tennis and school â€" I now know how to effectively balance my time. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? Kumon requires my full attention and focus, allowing me to get my mind off things. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Challenging â€" at times the worksheets were challenging and required a lot of focus to complete them. I worked through all the challenges and now I truly see the long-term benefits of Kumon. What did it mean to you attending the Student Conference? Attending the Student Conference gave me the opportunity the meet other Kumon Students whom I share a lot in common with. What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? My advice for other Kumon Students is to never give up. Even if you’re working on challenging levels, one day you will look back and thank your parents for enrolling you in Kumon! Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Practice is the Key to this Young Cello Players Success This Young Hockey Player is Making Strides On and Off The Ice Perseverance Helps This 9-Year-Old Figure Skater Make the Impossible Possible Kumon Program Completer Conquers Tennis on the National Stage

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